Attaining Your Ideal Weight for Any Body
Easy to Implement Tips For Weight Loss
Like you I was frustrated with weight gain as I was getting older. No matter what I did I couldn't achieve my ideal weight
as I hit menopause
As we age our hormones shift causing our body to handle food differently. For women weight gain is a major issue during menopause which leads to many other symptoms. During my journey I had a vision of my ideal weight. I tried everything to reach this even getting a tummy tuck and hip liposuction... but I knew I had to change how I was approaching this or else I was going to suffer financial hardship and do some self-harm.
Let me help you avoid all the costly mistakes I made. Through my book and wellness programs we can design a lifestyle that will help you maintain your ideal weight.
Welcome to Your Wellness Steps for Attaining Your Ideal Weight
What is Ideal Weight?
I can tell you it isn't a number on the scale. Through my book and programs I will guide you to what an ideal weight is for you. Three important steps towards achieving a healthy life include; clean eating, intermittent fasting, and loving yourself.
Clean eating is knowing your food. The goal is know where your food comes from. Choose local fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Keep fresh herbs year round. Look for terms "organic", "free-range", "cage-free" or "certified humane" on animals products.
Intermittent fasting has been a key to my success. Allowing my body to have a 14-16 hour period with no meals has helped to reduce cravings. Rather than having breakfast, I "break my fast" around noon.
Loving yourself during a transition to a new lifestyle is so important. Our lives are filled with stress, don't let this be an obstacle to achieving your ideal weight.